SEC Denies Coinbase’s Petition for Crypto Sector Rules, Igniting Legal Battle

3 min read
  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rejected Coinbase Global’s petition for new regulations in the digital asset sector, asserting that current laws are sufficient.
  • Coinbase, the largest U.S. crypto exchange, has filed a court petition challenging the SEC’s decision, escalating the ongoing conflict over regulatory jurisdiction.

In a significant development, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rejected a petition by Coinbase Global, the nation’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, seeking new regulations for the digital asset sector. The commission’s decision, made in a 3-2 vote, has intensified the ongoing struggle between the crypto industry and the top U.S. markets regulator.

Coinbase had sought new rules from the SEC, arguing that the current regulatory framework is “unworkable” for the crypto sphere. However, the commission disagreed with this assertion, stating that existing laws and regulations already apply to the crypto securities markets. SEC Chair Gary Gensler emphasized in a separate statement that the agency’s position is grounded in the belief that current regulatory measures are sufficient.

In response to the SEC’s decision, Coinbase expressed its disagreement, with Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal stating, “No one looking fairly at our industry thinks the law is clear or that there isn’t more work to do.” Grewal emphasized the need for collaboration in developing laws and rules that benefit consumers and foster U.S. innovation.

Coinbase promptly filed a petition for review of the SEC’s decision in court, arguing that the denial was “arbitrary and capricious” and constituted an “abuse of discretion.” The legal battle adds another layer to the strained relationship between the crypto sector and the SEC, which has consistently asserted its jurisdiction over most crypto tokens, considering them as securities.

This latest conflict is part of an ongoing tug-of-war, with the SEC having previously sued several crypto companies, including Coinbase, over allegations of listing and trading crypto tokens that should be registered as securities. Coinbase, however, contests the SEC’s jurisdiction and has sought a clearer definition of when the regulatory body deems a digital asset to be a security.

SEC Commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda, both Republicans, issued a joint statement expressing their disagreement with the decision. They argued that addressing issues posed by new technologies and innovations is a crucial aspect of responsible regulation.

The denial of Coinbase’s petition marks a pivotal moment in the regulatory landscape for the crypto industry, setting the stage for a legal battle that could shape the future of digital asset regulation in the United States.

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